I currently lay in my room on my luxuriously soft full sized bed, sharing it with 10+ stuffed animals, even more pillows (which Christopher and Emily would most likely deem unnecessary, and an exercise ball (?). It sure is nice to be home. Leyritz and I are the only occupants as of now - Mom and Dad are in the city, Sarah is at BOTC practice and Aunt Doe is living up to her social butterfly reputation visiting a friend in Jackson. The house is unusually quiet, a type of eery quiet that not even the blaring of Pandora can disrupt. It is at this point that I begin to reflect upon Campus pre-summer-departure because not even during finals week would dorm/apartment life be nearly as peaceful.
Living in College Park may not be as glamorous as some of us may wish, but I'm beginning to consider it home. Despite my frequent complaints regarding the irrefutably irritating on-campus parking situations, the inconvenient hours of dining establishments, and the unsettling constant barrage of crime alerts (thank you Paul Dillon) I miss College park already - my third day home. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being home in Edison, New Jersey. Somehow being here I sleep easier, eat healthier, my clothes are cleaner and I can park almost anywhere without getting a ticket. However, I can't help but think of all the things I can't do quite as easily here in Jersey. For you're finals week entertainment I have compiled a list of things I leave behind at UMD:
1. The Salsa Food Group - Somehow eating (shoveling, pouring, dipping, or any other form of consumption) salsa for every meal of the day is not accepted here at home. Who knew it was only considered a level of the food pyramid in 2119 Allegany Hall?
2. Morning rehashes - The hours between midnight and 5a.m. are significantly duller here at 354 Plainfield Road, ergo, my sister doesn't want to wake up to me giving her a play-by-play of the evening's events. As a result, #3....
3. Mid-day Ab workouts - I miss laughing so hard about our alcohol induced antics that my abdominal muscles literally became sore. I might have to start doing crunches, or at least put this exercise ball to use.
4. Beach party, Fiesta, Eski-hoe, Rubics Cube, and other related themed parties - self explanatory.
5. Dancing - everywhere, anytime. OF COURSE, I break it down every so often in my kitchen but it's just not as much fun when my crazy friends aren't there to A) Join or B) Roll their eyes and laugh. Sometimes, my Mom joins me (I got it from my mama) and my sister always rolls her eyes and laughs, but I think she means it in a more seriously disgusted way than do my peers at UMD.
6. CYC - I mish da wed woom. =[
7. Bars - I can't imagine my F.I.D would be as successful here as the Thirsty Turtle. Probably better off though, I presume drinks are significantly more expensive than dollar pitchers here in the real world. I think I'll wait until I'm 21.
8. 9. and 10. Being within walking distance to all my friends to do all of the above. This being the most important reason why I miss CP, it gets the last three spots.
I missed Jersey, I'm glad I'm home with the family, my boo, and my BFFS B&C, but I can't help regret rushing home so quickly while College Park Life goes on without me for the remainder of the semester 3
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