Tuesday, June 8, 2010

beautiful day for a bike ride

I think I'll go for a bike ride today.

The sun is shining without interruption from even a single cloud and the Weather Channel tells me the temperature isn't going to exceed 75 degrees. Therefore, I should get out of my room and enjoy the beautiful day :) What better way to do so than to get on my bike? I haven't done so since last summer, but for some reason this past week I've had an intense urge to get my bike out of the shed and onto the road.

Maybe it's because I am inspired by my Aunt who just completed a 51 mile ride in Lancaster, PA, or maybe it's because I'm bored of my humdrum workout schedule, or maybe it's because since I turned TWENTY exactly one week ago I am subconsciously trying to revert back to my childhood. Hmmmm

Most of you were aware of my illogical aversion to turning twenty ... for some reason I just feel OLD no longer in my teenaged years. I think it's a combination of having (way) more responsibilities, a fear of becoming independent, and nostalgia of my simplistic childhood (ie, acceptably playing outside as opposed to going "out," not worrying about how I'm going to look in a bathing suit after that bowl of ice cream, etc. ) that has me longing to run the opposite direction of the upcoming years in my twenties.

I don't know if it's good or bad that I harp on my primary years as opposed to looking forward to my early adulthood ... but for now I'm going to ride my bike like I'm ten and forget for awhile that I can't go back.

1 comment:

  1. Mag- I found your blog! So cute. I decided to actually start writing posts on mine instead of only living in my fantasy-photographer world, haha ;) I love this post because that's EXACTLY what I did today! Gotta love summer bike rides... miss you so much! Glad you're enjoying your summer xoxo
