Last night we went out with other sad-to-leave-Barcelona ISA students to say our goodbyes, and celebrate, for one last time, our stay in Barcelona. We shared one last order of Patatas Bravas and each ordered a snack-bar sized cocktail of our choice. Cocotitto was mine - an oversized pina colada of sorts.
The tapas and drinks were very enjoyable, but what I think I will remember the most are the stories we shared, the reflections we reminisced upon, the games we played, and the laughter that encompassed it all.
We ended up bidding our final adieus amongst the irksome vendors and drunken party-ers outside between to night clubs at the beach. Morgan and Mallory promised to come up north to visit, affirming that "you don't just click like this with anyone." Teary eyed, I agreed.
While six weeks may not seem like a sufficient amount of time to build strong friendships, and while I wish I had an entire semester to spend with the friends I've made, I am amazed by the bond formed not only between me and this fantastic city, but also between new friends.
Here I was about to type "Adios," but I think "Hasta luego" is more fitting. I will definitely find my way back to this city.
Hola, Alicante!!
After struggling terribly trying to board my 60+ lb. maleta (suitcase), I slouched into my assigned seat with a sigh of relief - ah, finally a moment to relax after being up since 7 AM.
Just as the train began to move, two girls approached me and asked in perfect Spanish if I wouldn't mind changing with one of them so they could sit together. Of course I didn't mind. But now I do. Now that I am sitting in one of only two booth-like rows on the train, bent knees practically kissing those of the elderly Spanish man facing me, adjacent to his equally elderly and snoring wife, yes, I mind.
However, I sought out the bright side as I am constantly forcing myself to do; the ride was only 5 and a half hours long and once I lug my belongings to Carmen's (a family friend of Lauren's with whom we are staying for the remainder of our trip) I will have ten days of beautiful beaching in the South of Spain until I have to travel again.
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