Most importantly, however, are the lessons I've learned about myself. I've uncovered the treasure that iscafe con leche, and with that my caffeine addiction (which only became obvious to me when I was refused fountain diet soda and iced coffee in Barcelona.) I've discovered a resonating passion for anthropology, and I have been taught a simpler way of living, how to relax, and, excuse me for sounding terribly cliche, how to appreciate the smaller things life has to offer that I've been blind to in America. I could probably write a novel on self-reflections but I'll keep them within the confines of my journal in order to spare you the boredom.
On a lighter note, I have learned something about myself very worth noting - apparently, I am allergic to seafood.
I'm not surprised that it has taken me this long to realize my allergy; the last time I ate fish was probably when I was eight, and it was most likely a tunafish sandwich. I don't like the smell of seafood, and of the far and few between moments where I was daring enough to have a bite of fish off a family members plate I crinkled my nose in distaste. However, with my newly found adventurous side I decided to take advantage of neighboring the sea and try the fresh Mediterranean seafood. As a result of being so daring (and quite honestly trying to please my hosts,) I am covered in hives. Luckily for me, this allergy presents a prohibition of something I definitely won't miss.
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