Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dear Pop

We left Toledo and are on our way to Barcelona today ... I can't wait to meet my señora, Rafaela. My mom is excited that I am staying with her because she is just around the age that my Mommom would be today ... I hope she's half as sweet.

If I could, today would be the day I would buy a postcard and send it to Pop. On past vacations we would buy a postcard from wherever we were visiting, usually Disney but rarely somewhere like the Bahamas or California, and write about our favorite parts of the trip to share with him. I think today, leaving Toledo, I want to share my adventures with him:

Dear Pop,
Toledo is such a beautiful city! There is so much history and culture here, I really learned a lot. The streets are really cool looking, although they are pretty hard to walk/drive on because of the old cobblestone. We went to a church, a synagogue and a monastery and then we had time to walk around the city to shop and eat lunch! There is SO much coca-cola paraphernalia here - I think of you every time I see that red sign! I guess Spaniards like Coke just as much as you. I’ve taken lots of pictures I know you would love!
I love you and I miss you,

If Heaven had a mailing address, this post card would be sent out already. Maybe I’ll buy one anyway...

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